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Bali is still one of the world’s preferred life-style and business destinations. Both small and corporate business models continue to put down roots in Bali. They are encouraged by continued economic growth, ever increasing tourist numbers and no doubt for many individuals the attractive way of life that so many now enjoy on Bali Island.

We are one of the earliest established law firms in Bali. For almost 20 years we have served the needs of hundreds of clients and foreign nationals with business, visa and legal solutions. We have up to date knowledge and understanding of business and immigration laws in Indonesia and combined with government partners we can fast find suitable legal solutions and protections to secure our client business investments and immigration compliance.

For foreign nationals new to Bali and new to doing business in Asia it is vital to understand that while life on Bali is almost dreamy, with it’s unfamiliar yet charming culture and eager to please, friendly, smiling faces in abundance, just like the sunshine. All business operations in Bali require a business license and foreigners require correct visas that allow them to work in Bali. Both Indonesian nationals and foreign nationals risk legal consequences for non compliance, however foreign nationals caught without a business license and visa face much more severe penalties.

Forming a company and obtaining the necessary business permits is no easy task. Many foreign nationals have remarked that they had no idea how complicated it is to form a company and acquire business permits and visas to work on Bali. It is important to note that it is almost impossible for a foreign national to produce a company and licenses to operate business without the services of a legal services provider. It is a very complicated, time consuming and for the unwise very expensive. We do what we do best and allow you to do what you should be doing, that is running your business and enjoying the exciting and carefree life that it yours for the taking with the right choices and the right legal advisor.

Contact us today to arrange a Business Consultation regarding starting a business and living on Bali. We can fully inform you regarding government requirements and solutions to secure you and your Bali business investments. We provide secure legal protections in the form of Bali business permits, work visas, legal searches and fail-safe contracts for staff, premises, suppliers and more. We have excellent relationships and important network resources within every useful government department and agency.
                                             Cambodia BusinessCambodia Business ServiceCambodia Business License
                                                    Cambodia Business RegistrationCambodia Company Registration